Monday, November 19, 2012

Some Unknown Facts on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

  • How come the Tibetans who have been treated far worse by the Chinese Communists haven't become terrorists? (Read Dennis Prager's masterful column on this) Why were the hundreds of thousands of Jews expelled by Arab countries in recent decades resettled by tiny Israel, yet the far greater Arab countries couldn't resettle the Palestinians, preferring to use them for propaganda purposes against the Jews.
  • Screams of "war crimes" against the Israelis when civilians are killed in the cross fire, yet civilian causalities are a tragic by-product of all war, e.g. the Allied Dresden bombing of Germany during WWII that killed tens of thousands of civilian. 
  • Israel is expected to hold to the Geneva Convention and International Law yet Hamas flouts these rules; using guerrilla tactics, fighting in civilian clothes in urban areas and using human shields (This New York Times piece on Hamas tactics, like booby trapped apartment buildings). During WWII German spies wearing American uniforms were shot, no questions asked.
  • The body counts of civilians verses combatants can't be trusted because many of the "civilians" are really combatants dressed up as civilians.
  • Israel makes every effort to avoid civilian casualties, sometimes even to its own detriment. Like the GBU-39 smart bomb designed to minimise civilian deaths and the 'knock at the door' non-exploding missile designed to scare civilians from roof tops.
  • Hamas wants Palestinian casualties. They put women and children near rocket sites or launch attacks near playgrounds, mosques, hospitals, homes, etc., to use them as fodder for propaganda purposes after the inevitable Israeli retaliation. 
  • The Palestinians often use fake images and deception, often of dead children like this, to fool the gullible western media.
  • Fathi Ahmad Hammad, a member of the Palestinian Legislative Council, has admitted to just such tactics; "[The enemies of Allah] do not know that the Palestinian people has developed its [methods] of death and death-seeking. For the Palestinian people, death has become an industry, at which women excel, and so do all the people living on this land. The elderly excel at this, and so do the mujahideen and the children. This is why they have formed human shields of the women, the children, the elderly, and the mujahideen, in order to challenge the Zionist bombing machine. It is as if they were saying to the Zionist enemy: "We desire death like you desire life." 
  • Why is it automatically concluded that because Israel inflicts more casualties that it is in the wrong? The Allies inflicted more casualties on to the Germans and Japanese yet the latter were unquestionably the aggressors. 
  • Israel left behind greenhouses and other facilities that were looted and destroyed once the Palestinians took over. They have also squandered and their leaders have embezzled millions in aid, buying weapons and arms instead of food and medicine for their people. 
  • The sick Jew hating culture of the Middle-East should be indicative of who is the real aggressor here;
  • Mein Kampf and Protocols of the Elders of Zion are top sellers in the ME and the latter is cited by Hamas in its Charter.
  • Palestinian children are brainwashed into hating and killing Jews. 
  • Hamas brutalizes its own people such as shooting and bashing civilians for the crime of singing and dancing at weddings
  • Arafat's mentor and hero was the Hitler co-conspirator, al-Husseini, who helped recruit Bosnian Muslims for the Waffen-SS.
  • A proud Hamas saying is "You love life, we love death". Indeed the whole raison d’ĂȘtre of Hamas is the destruction of the Israeli state.
  • The Hamas Charter and statements by Hamas officials are full of vile, anti-Semitic Jew hatred and the hopelessness of diplomatic or peaceful solutions (see article 13).
  • Islamism in its modern tradition is a totalitarian and aggressive ideology; "The well known Egyptian scholar, Sayyid Qutb, notes four stages in the development of jihad: 1. While the earliest Muslims remained in Mecca before fleeing to Medina, God did not allow them to fight; 2. Permission is given to Muslims to fight against their oppressors; 3. God commands Muslims to fight those fighting them; 4. God commands the Muslims to fight against all polytheists."

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