Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Racist Or Just Feral?

This video on a public bus in Victoria (?) shows a bunch of feral idiots shouting abuse at some poor French girl singing at the back of the bus. There was some outright racist comments that we have to take the commentator at his word on, but much of it seemed to me just the anti-social, thuggishness of the Australian underclass (a useful term coined by the inimitable Theodore Dalrymple). What's more, the French aren't usually your typical target for racist Aussies. 

Why does this matter? Here is why. I know from my uni days that the Left loves to paint the average Aussie as racist and demonstrations like this one showing a feral culture at work with some national overtones are used to paint all Australians as racists. See this on the Cronulla Riots, for example. This piece - "Australia - a racist backwater - was assigned reading for my politics unit. Typical hate-Australia leftism. But this is a lie. As Andrew Bolt puts it Australians "made ethnic Fijian Trevor Butler winner of Big Brother, and Malaysian-born Guy Sebastian and part-Aboriginal Casey Donovan winners of Australian Idol."

Sure there are racists in Australia but there are racists in every country and there is less in Australia than just about anywhere else in the world.

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