Thursday, March 28, 2013

Temp and CO2 Mismatch

This passage from Lord Monkton makes me more convinced than ever that Man-made Global Warming is a crock: the end of the Maunder Minimum temperatures rose at a rate of 4 Celsius/century for 40 years. Nothing like that has been seen since: the 20th century saw just 0.7 CÂș of warming, and the 21st century shows none at all. In a graph showing the linear trend for the last 23 years, the trend line looks like a billiard cue.
So the greatest increase comes just after the MM which is the late 18th Century, well before much of the modern period has had a chance to inject much CO2 into the air. Yet only a modest increase in temperature comes during the 20th century where one would expect acceleration instead. And then for the last decade or two there has been no increase where we would expect an even greater acceleration due to far more CO2 output.

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